aliens stole my wallet |
...Mulder, I need you!!!
nikki britt alex norm troy lewis jack bladerunner seamus ron kidd matteo trashman mike outdrlvr
Monday, November 13, 2006
I HATE Wal Mart. But I go there because things are cheap. Certainly NOT for the friendly service. By the time I got out of there this evening, I was in a terrible mood. I admit I have relatives in Mississippi, and that I am a redneck by birth, if not by choice. I am not ashamed of that...just a bit embarrassed by what some of my family has done. In my family's past, there is a ridgerunner, an attempted murderer (rumor has it), a drug dealer (both of these are women), a suicide by shotgun (rumor on this one has it that he was murdered), and various shady characters, also. I remember a cousin who used to beat the shit out of his wife, yet I also remember no one doing anything about it. She would answer the door looking all shy and a bit frightened, and he was always wearing jeans with his pot belly hanging over his belt and a beer in one hand, cigarette in the other. I have an aunt who was seeing a sherriff or deputy or something like that, and when he was finished with her, he started dating her daughter. My other cousin got his girlfriend pregnant, a beautiful girl with long brown hair, yet one of the biggest bimbos there ever was. I remember the way he would tell her what to do, even if it was to bring him a can of beer, and not in a nice way, either. She would just jump at his every word, going so far as to allow her kid's grandmother to be called "mom" while he called his own mother by her name. Oh yeah, my grandfather was asked to join the KKK, but he declined. I don't understand why. Apparently the whole family is it what you want. By the way, Britt...this is for you... |